Residency History

In an effort to comply with Section 471 (a)(20) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 671 (a)(20)), it is necessary to obtain a child protection clearance for all adults living in the adoptive home from every state and/or country in which they have lived for the past five years.

Please provide the following information so it can be included in your home study. A Giving Tree Adoptions Inc. can typically gather child abuse checks through Health and Welfare when families provide date with sufficient information to do so.

Information necessary includes each applicant’s residency history for five years, social security number, date of birth and maiden name. Please visit this website for additional information on obtaining child abuse clearances and obtaining all necessary clearances.

By signing this form, you are giving A Giving Tree Adoptions Inc permission to obtain all applicable child protection reports from the states from which a home study provider must obtain the clearance letter.